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Pilotica believes that basics is the most important factor in maintaining beautiful skin.

Advances in cosmetic ingredients and technology led to many effective skincare products, but the industry stopped searching for the fundamental sources of skin problems, simply pushing products on consumers and telling them to expect healing effects on already damaged skin.

Under the principle of “Basics of Important,” Pilotica focuses on the management of basics in researching and developing cosmetic products.

Under the principle of “Basics of Important,”


코스메틱 전문 연구진들의 축적된 기술과 노하우 그리고 데이터를 통해 안전하게 사용할 수 있는 포뮬러 개발과 연구로 최상의 솔루션을 제안, 피부 본연의 아름다움을 제공해주고자 합니다.

Our goal is to work with expert cosmetics researchers to harness their accumulat

ed skills, experiences, and data in developing safe formulas and optimal solutions, thereby realizing the innate beauty of the skin.


컨슈머,프로페서 두 채널과의 소통으로 건강한 피부관리의 

가치를 전달하여 필로티카의 활동에 있어 모든 방향성을 


Our dual-channel communication with the consumers and professionals enable us to promote the value of healthy skincare, which provides the direction to all Pilotica activities


필로티카가 선정한 정식 유통사를 통해 정확하고 안전하게 제품을 사용하실 수 있습니다.

정식 유통사는 정식 교육수료를 완료 하였습니다.

selected by pilotica Accurately through a formal distributor, Safely use the product.


Tel. 070-8861-7028 |
Addr. Seoul, Korea ㅣ Biz License 460-21-01021